Rob Sproule

Rob Sproule

Co-owner and marketing director, Salisbury Greenhouse

Rob Sproule is the co-owner and marketing director of Salisbury Greenhouse, a renowned Top 100 Independent Garden Center in Alberta, Canada. He's an internationally recognized industry strategist, a prominent speaker, consultant and author of four gardening books. At the heart of his work is a commitment to continuous learning, benefiting both Salisbury and his agency, Dig Marketing. Residing in Edmonton, Rob enjoys life with his wife and their three children.


Other resources include:

WEBINAR: Quick Tactics to Engage Millennials This Spring
WEBINAR: Creating an Accountable Core Team
WEBINAR: 3 Metrics to Rule Them All
WEBINAR: The Next 5 Years: How to Set a Vision and Achieve your Goals
WEBINAR: The Step-By-Step Marketing Plan
WEBINAR: Connect With Post-COVID Customers
WEBINAR: Zero-Contact Sales
WEBINAR: Right-Size Your Marketing
WEBINAR: Creating Integrated Customer Experiences
WEBINAR: What Can E-commerce Do?
WEBINAR: Great(er) Expectations
ARTICLE: Social priorities